Taylor Swift, Brody, Peter H. Smyth, Buzz Knight, Heidi Raphael, Rob Williams, Jill Strada, Pebbles, Matt DiRoberto, Keaton Simons, Sam Hill

Before her Miami performance, Taylor Swift greeted WLDI/West Palm Beach PD Brody.

The Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus honored Peter H. Smyth, Chairman and CEO of Greater Media, Inc., at the 12th Annual Good Guys Awards for his continued support of women and families in Massachusetts. (L-R): Greater Media VP of Corporate Communication Heidi Raphael, HOT 96.9 Morning Show Co-host Pebbles, Greater Media Boston Market Manager Rob Williams, Greater Media Chairman and CEO Peter Smyth, Hot 96.9 APD and Digital Media Brand Manager Jill Strada, 105.7 WROR General Sales Manager Matt DiRoberto and Greater Media VP of Program Development Buzz Knight.