Dev, R Dub!, Chiddy Bang, Sharon Dastur, Joe Rainey, Pam Kaye, Karmin, Zac Davis, Brody.

Dev visits Z90.3/San Diego. (L-R): Z90 Mixer DJ Al,
Z90 MD Kat San Andres, Z90 Mixer DJ Mission, Z90 PD R Dub!,
Z90 weekender Pandar, Universal-Republic artist Dev,
Z90 Promotions Director Joseph Lee, Z90 APD Tre,
Z90 weekender Sheryl.

Chiddy Bang dropped by Z100 to perform a track and freestyle in Tribeca Park just outside the station. (L-R): Band manager Anthony Martini, CB’s Noah and Chiddy, Z100 PD Sharon Dastur, Capitol’s Joe Rainey and Pam Kaye.

While in Raleigh, Karmin’s Amy Heidemann and Nick Noonan paid a visit to WDCG to hang with APD/MD Brody and PD Zac Davis.