Frankie V, MD, KHTS/San Diego & Joey Brooks, CHUM FM/Toronto
Frankie V, MD, KHTS/San Diego
Joey Brooks, CHUM FM/Toronto
Joey: You just landed the morning gig at Channel 933 about six months ago. How are things going with the new show on a scale of tanking to 10?
Frankie: The show gets a 10, I’m living a dream. My sleep schedule gets a 0, because I’ve broken four alarm clocks already in six months! It’s an exciting opportunity that honestly feels like a dream each time I get into the studio. My co-host Geena The Latina is a morning show PRO. We have been good friends since I moved here almost five years ago. Our producer Sonic is one of the hardest working and most creative people in the biz! Waking up at 3:30am is still an adjustment considering for my whole career that was my bedtime. Geena acts like my mom sometimes and will send me texts saying, “Get off your computer and go to bed!”
Joey: Who has given you the best advice for making the transition from nights to mornings?
Frankie: I’m very fortunate to have a Program Director (Haze) who used to be a night jock himself, and he totally “gets it!” He has given me great feedback and has allowed us to learn as we go. My OM (Jimmy Steele) is a radio GENIUS. He is there to lean on whenever I have a question or need extra feedback! I also have to give props to Ramiro from Ramiro and Pebbles on JAMN 94.5 in Boston. His style is so PPM friendly and awesome. Luckily he has an unlimited text plan otherwise I’d owe him lots of money for the texts I constantly send, asking for advice when I have questions!
Joey: One of the best young talents in the industry is your brother Mikey V – nights at Radio Now in Indianapolis and the more talented brother in my opinion. Any advice you have given him that other new jocks can benefit from?
Frankie: I won’t argue that! He is a radio stud. He’s only 23 and understands this business better than I do. The advice I give him, is the same advice people gave me when I started out. “Your worst day is going to be better than many peoples best day! Do everything you do in this biz with a smile on your face! Be fortunate for the opportunities you have, and more will come.” I also told him to not pick up chicks based upon their voices on the request line, it never matches up. “If I knew then what I know now…”
Joey: Have you talked about the fact that you shave your chest on the new morning show or are you keeping that one to yourself?
Frankie: I haven’t mentioned that I shave my chest on the air yet. Only mentioned that I shave my back, armpits, and get my eyebrows waxed! I figure if I mention I shave my chest people might think differently of me.
Joey: You were a successful sales rep for Entercom Boston and have always been good at dealing with clients. Do you have any advice for the rest of us so we can make more endorsement money?
Frankie: Getting the chance to do sales for a year and a half has paid dividends in my career for sure. As a jock, knowing how the sales side works, I put pride in each endorsement opportunity I get. I ask the sales rep (and client if I’m in the meeting) what needs they want to overcome and I work hard to help make it happen. I’ve learned that if you show the clients you truly care, they are more likely to keep endorsing. Go on the sales calls with the Account Executive, get to know the client, and help build the bond.
Joey: You are very active with social media. What are you doing to grow the new show online?
Frankie: Being interactive with the audience on social media is such a great way to connect to the listeners. I recently had a girl at an event tell me “thank you for your updates on Facebook, I’m super busy during the day and can’t always listen to the radio, but when I see updates that interest me I make sure to find a way to listen.” All it takes is one more meter to listen to make a major PPM difference. Social media is our biggest way to build new listeners and market ourselves…and it’s FREE! Reply to listener comments, don’t spam listeners but make sure to inform them, and make each social media “follower” feels special!
Joey: Have you considered changing the name of the show to “Masshole In The Morning”?
Frankie: I haven’t yet! I like my job…I kinda want to keep it! Although…hmmm…it does have a good ring to it!
Joey: Are you officially too old to wear Ed Hardy or are you going to try to push it for another year?
Frankie: I’d say I’m too old. But then again, I’d say you are too old to still have your New Kids on the Block posters up, yet you don’t seem to see a problem with it.
Joey: You just had your first “acting” role in the short film The Silent Partner. Has Hollywood taken notice? Will you star in a Seacrest production?
Frankie: The Silent Partner by Terrence King is a novel that is set to release. The short film based on the book was an awesome experience. I played a character named “Skinny,” who is an east coast punk that wears a backwards hat, and has an attitude. Type casted? I think not! Hollywood keeps calling me about it, but I’m too busy answering Joey Brooks’ dumb questions to have time to answer the calls. Stay tuned…
Joey: I’m sick of producing demos for you that lead to great jobs. Are you planning on doing mornings in San Diego for a long time so I don’t have to make any more?
Frankie: If you’re looking for a pat on the back and a thank you…here you go: YES JOEY BROOKS, THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DEMO TAPES AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT WHILE YOUR WIFE WAS YELLING AT YOU TO GO TO BED! That being said, I am truly thankful for all you have done to help me get started in this biz. I still remember going on a sales call in Worcester and I had to sell against a sales rep that was selling you for a broadcast. I emailed you shortly after that day and asked advice on how I get to the on-air side of radio. You didn’t hesitate to help me instantly! I’m loving San Diego! The weather, beaches, great co-workers, Mexican food, good sushi, and a free couch for you to crash on when you visit.
Frankie: You have lost three chins in the past two years. How did you make this happen? Frankie: What on-air personality did you look up to most growing up? Frankie: What is the biggest difference from doing radio in the US and Canada? Frankie: Would you prefer to wear New York Yankees’ boxer shorts or a Boston Red Sox thong? Frankie: Who has helped you the most, to become as successful as you are in this biz? Frankie: If you had to retire from radio what would you do? Frankie: When you are trying to seduce your wife, what song do you put on in the background? Frankie: You do a lot with social media, has that ever led you to creeping an ex while on Facebook? Frankie: If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring one battery operated object what would it be? [FMQB ORIGINAL CONTENT, published May 2011, please do not republish or reprint without the express consent of FMQB. Make sure you visit us on the Web] |