Eternal Summers
The Drop Beneath
Eternal Summers are a dreamy, shoegazey, fuzzy trio, hailing from one of the last places you’d expect – Roanoke, VA. With the release of their 3rd album The Drop Beneath they have both maintained the upbeat jangly pop sound that they firmly established on 2012’s Correct Behavior, yet taken a darker turn away from it.
Many of you have been playing their current single “Gouge,” but there is plenty more to be found on The Drop Beneath. For those looking to go deeper, try “100,” “Never Enough,” “Make It New,” or “A Burial.” Find out more and check out their live performance in our latest SubModern Session, recorded at MilkBoy The Studio in Philadelphia. It’s available for you to download and play on your shows HERE or embed it on your website from Soundcloud.
You should have ample opportunity to catch Eternal Summers live as they are touring all over the place through May. Find out if their travels will bring them anywhere near you at EternalSummersBand.com or KanineRecords.com.
By Josh T. Landow