Buzz Knight is a programmer at heart, always was, always will be. He managed to parlay an accomplished programming career into a series of programming exec positions where he made a difference influencing programmers and managers up and down the chain of command. He’s now sharing his ideas and perspectives with clients across an entire industry.[more]

With station events and concerts scrapped for the foreseeable future, you may be asking what your station has to promote in your email newsletters? According to Jacobs Media’s Seth Resler, a lot more than you may realize! In this month’s Programming to Win column, Seth discusses ways to adjust your email database strategy for the current pandemic era. [more]

Other than TikTok and other social media platforms, what traditional radio formats do you feel influence Top 40 (and you) the most when searching for cross-over prospects? [more]

iHeart President of Programming Operations Jon Zellner uncovers all in this entertaining illustration of his storied career. [more]