David Adams
NRG Media-Omaha has promoted David Adams to the role of Operations Manager for the seven-station cluster. Adams has been with NRG Media-Omaha since November 2020, serving as PD for KQKQ, KOPW and KOOO.
In his new role, Adams will oversee the seven-station cluster while continuing the day-to-day programming of the FM stations as well as KOZN-AM and KZOT-AM.
NRG-Omaha General Manager Mark Shecterle commented, “Since joining NRG Media in November of 2020, David has proven to be a strong leader who has been able to come in and gain the respect and trust of everyone in the building very quickly. He’s does a great job with our FM’s, and I know he will do the same with all our AM’s”
Adams remarked, “I’m very humbled and grateful for this opportunity. I’d like to thank Mark Shecterle, Jeff Winfield, Jim Smith and Mary Quass for entrusting me to oversee these key brands.”