Category: DMS Cover Story

DMS Cover Story: Pat Paxton, Chief Programming Officer, Entercom

Entercom’s programming guidance has been in the very capable hands of Pat Paxton for close to two decades now. During this ordeal of a pandemic year, sound and stanch leadership is essential to a company’s stability and the psyche of its personnel teams. Pat’s stoic and pragmatic approach to dealing with the dramatic variances of 2020 has utilized all of the above qualities and Entercom has benefited greatly from his wisdom.

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DMS Cover Story: Buzz Knight, CEO/Founder, Buzz Knight Media

Buzz Knight is a programmer at heart, always was, always will be. He managed to parlay an accomplished programming career into a series of programming exec positions where he made a difference influencing programmers and managers up and down the chain of command. He’s now sharing his ideas and perspectives with clients across an entire industry.

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DMS Cover Story: Lee Abrams, CEO, MediaVisions

In need of a refreshing escape from the stress and anxiety we’re all experiencing under the current pandemic conditions? Enter Lee Abrams, a self-made media/marketing specialist who has displayed his highly creative skills in the multi-media industry for five decades now. Lee constantly challenges himself and the industry to strive for higher goals and achievement levels in the fields of brand identity & renovation and audience engagement…and he always shoots straight, after all his newly launched company motto is: “High IQ low BS!”

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