Jeremy Rice

Can you tell I grew up in the 80’s? lol My entire room at home in suburban Rochester, NY all albums and singles on the walls and lots of baseball cards!

Most people don’t know I did Urban Radio, WDKX, Rochester for almost 5 years in the early 90’s – this is me trying to be the 3’rd member on RUN DMC!

At Skydome 1997 in Toronto, pretty freakin' cool to be hanging backstage with U2 literally in their dressing room, they were drinking Guinness mixed with Champagne which I thought was pretty cool!

At Mile 18 of the New York City Marathon (I ran it 3 years in a row) in 2006 on First Avenue, Manhattan.
Running this marathon and the preparation is one of the most special moments in my life

Crossing Abbey Road barefoot like Paul (Google younger peeps) with my Triplets was pretty damn cool, my son freaked out because I took off my sneakers and socks and left them on the other side of Abbey Road.
They’ll appreciate this photo when they’re 64…..and yes we did later stay at a cottage on the Isle Of Wight! (those are song lyrics for those of you unfortunate not to be Beatles fans!!)