R Dub! Director of Programming: Z90(XHTZ) & Magic 92.5(XHRM)/San Diego
and Host of Sunday Night Slow Jams

1992: My very first gig and the one that would change my life forever. I was way too shy to answer the ad in the newspaper from the company looking to hire a mobile DJ. My mom encouraged me to call, but I refused: “No way, Mom! I have no experience. I don’t have a chance!” There was no way I was going to put myself out there like that. No way, no how.
The next day, and to my absolute shock and horror, my mom had called herself and talked to the owner all about me – I now had an interview. I was so furious and embarrassed and wanted to hide! At 15 years old, the last thing on earth you want (as a “cool” teenager) is for your “mom” to be calling would-be employers.
Well, to my complete surprise, I ended up actually getting that job! I was a real-live “DJ” at 15…I didn’t even have a driver’s license yet! What an important life lesson learned that very moment: to ALWAYS “go for it,” and never, ever be afraid of a “no.” I’ve modeled my entire career (and life) after this one foundational principal and I shudder to think what I’d be doing today if my mom hadn’t made that one phone call. It would change my life forever.

1993: My very first on-air gig: an overnight shift at Tucson’s Community Radio KXCI-FM. It was a Slow Jams show that aired from 2AM-6AM Thursday mornings. My first period English teacher was very forgiving and understood why I’d sleep through most of his class.

1994: I was blessed to be a part of the incredible KJYK-Power 1490AM in Tucson (with Bruce St. James) – one of the last AM stations to play current music. I ended up producing/directing a full-length documentary about the station and you can watch it here: www.power1490.com. As for the hideous photo with Roger Troutman – don’t ask me about that vest. It’s also obvious I was new at “posing” for photos - I have no idea what my body was doing there.

1996: This might just look like a couple of missionaries spreading the good word, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I’ll save all the details for my forthcoming (third) book – but this was just moments after Kid Corona and I literally “drove across the street” to pitch a new format idea (Rhythmic CHR) to the owner of a failing Country music station. Our current station (KOHT-Tucson) was under new management and we hated working there. These two crazy 19 year-olds spent a week making charts and graphs and executed a plan to bum-rush the competing station’s office in a rogue attempt to present our idea to the owner. Quickly setting up our easels and foam boards in front of his desk, the old man threatened to call the cops if we didn’t leave. He finally conceded and gave us “just two minutes,” but by the end of the day we had a handshake deal: We’d leave KOHT to launch a brand new station across the street (KSJM-Power 97.5) I still can’t believe the size of our cojones when I think back on it. We were brazen!

1998: My first taste of real “fame” and probably the height of my “local” on-air career, was when I did nights at KRQQ Tucson. PD Tim Richards let me get away with a very “dynamic” night show that caused chaos and huge crowds wherever we went. I honestly can say I felt like a superstar- we shut down entire streets! These were my craziest of times – I’m sure you can imagine. I was only 21 and yes, I did let it go to my head! It would’ve made a great reality show. How I don’t have multiple children from those years, I’ll never know!

1999: Along the way, I did other “entrepreneurial” things while doing radio. One of my less-successful ventures was a company called Lowrider Limos. The flyer speaks for itself. This 1975 Lincoln lowrider limousine had wire wheels and hydraulics. I remember “hittin’ the switches” once and the giant, metal suspension spring shot out of the car and across the street like a rocket! I was lucky that rolling coffin didn’t kill anyone. Needless to say, Lowrider Limos did not last.

2001: While we’re on the topic of automobiles, here’s the station vehicle I’m most proud of. How I got away with traveling to L.A. to purchase this used CHP car, take it back to Tucson, and outfit it with our station logo (KOHT-FM), I have no idea! This thing was as close to illegal as you can get: We strategically placed all the logos, numbers and stripes in the exact positions as our local police department’s squad cars. The Hot 98.3 “Sticker Squad” was a promotional success and a fun car to drive “off duty,” too – people moved out of the way! (Cue Ludacris!)

2009: I swore I’d never, ever leave Tucson – unless L.A. or New York called. Imagine my surprise when Greg Ashlock at Clear Channel Los Angeles offered this kid the PD job at KHHT-FM. It was an amazing experience and I was lucky to work with the absolute best of the best in that building – including KBIG PD Dave “Chachi” Denes, who today is the president of Benztown and one of my best friends. Michael Martin, John Ivey…too many to name. They were all amazing. “I’m not worthy!”

2010: After L.A., I retired from local radio to broadcast my syndicated Sunday Night Slow Jams from the beaches of Brazil. I dabbled in a little radio there as well. My Portuguese sucked, but it sure was fun trying!

2013: Holy crap, I was on ABC’s Shark Tank with Brian McKnight! Without a doubt, one of the best days of my life! I pitched my syndicated Sunday Night Slow Jams show in front of 6 million viewers. The photo is a screen shot of HULU’s home screen for that week. What an amazing experience. Though I didn’t get a deal from the Sharks, a private investor wrote me a check for my full ask the Monday after my episode ran.

2018: On stage with the entire XHRM-San Diego team. I’ve been here for 10 years now, and it’s the best broadcast company I have ever worked for. We are a true family - from our owner(s), all the way down to our interns. Local Media San Diego is a group that truly believes in being live, local and serving our community. We walk the walk and I love coming to work here every day.

2018: I said I’d never want to program more than one station – I hold a longstanding belief that every station and its staff deserves their own, dedicated PD. However, I made an exception when I joined LMSD back in 2011. Both Magic 92.5 (XHRM) and Z90 (XHTZ) were (and still are) two of my all-time favorite radio brands, EVER! How could I say no? Pictured: The world’s biggest radio contest - #EPIC48Hours. If you don’t know what #EPIC48Hours is, you MUST Google it. It’s how giant promotions should be done and probably the (local) radio project I’m most proud of in my entire life.

2020: Though the pandemic sucked, I was able to use the extra time to finish my second book on radio syndication: Go Syndicate Yourself! I loved how it came out, especially all the contributions from people who are way more talented than me! This thick AF syndication “how-to” manual features sections from the country’s biggest syndicated stars, VPs of programming and syndication bosses. I hope it helps others find the added joy and security that I’m fortunate enough to enjoy with syndication.