Donald Trump has nominated Brendan Carr to fill the final vacant seat at the Federal Communications Commission. Carr currently serves as the FCC’s general counsel. He joined the Commission as an attorney advisor in 2012 and became one of now-Chairman Ajit Pai‘s top legal advisors in 2014. When Pai took over as Chairman, he promoted Carr to acting general counsel.

Carr’s background is in telecom law, as he represented a number of major companies such as Verizon and AT&T as an attorney at Wiley Rein.

In a statement, Chairman Pai said, “I congratulate Brendan Carr on the President’s announcement that he will be nominated to serve as an FCC Commissioner. Brendan has a distinguished record of public service, having worked at the agency for over five years, including most recently as the FCC’s General Counsel. In particular, Brendan’s expertise on wireless policy and public safety will be a tremendous asset to the Commission. I look forward to working with him in his new role and wish him all the best during the confirmation process.”

Commissioner Mignon Clyburn stated, “I congratulate Brendan Carr on being nominated by the President to serve as a Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission. He is well respected on both sides of the aisle and has demonstrated a deep knowledge of the legal and policy issues facing the communications sector, both as an advisor to then Commissioner Pai and now as General Counsel of the agency. Brendan is a great asset to the Commission and I wish him a successful Senate confirmation.”

Commissioner Michael O’Rielly adds, “I congratulate Brendan Carr on his selection by President Trump for a seat at the FCC. Mr. Carr will be an added voice at the Commission in efforts to reduce senseless regulations and install sound policymaking. I look forward to working with him in his new capacity, pending consideration of the nomination by the U.S. Senate.”

NAB President/CEO Gordon Smith says, “NAB strongly endorses the nomination of Brendan Carr to the FCC. He has a firm grasp on telecom and media law and the right temperament to be a superb Commissioner. We support his swift confirmation.”

As previously reported, Jessica Rosenworcel has been re-nominated to return to the FCC.