BIAKelsey-LogoIn a new analysis blog post, BIA/Kelsey says that, “In terms of radio and television station transactions, the past year was strong but not overwhelming. As shown in the year end totals, BIA/Kelsey reports that the total number of television stations sold in 2017 were 107 for a total value of nearly $4.7 billion. For radio, there were 755 stations sold in 2017 for a total value of over $3.3 billion.”

The company notes that the number of TV stations sold last year “increased by ten over the previous year while the total value of those stations sold decreased by nearly $600 million.”

However, the number of radio stations sold “increased by 179 and the total value of those stations also increased by over $2.8 billion. Those increases can be credited to the Entercom acquisition of CBS Radio during the year. The stations acquired by Entercom were in many large and medium sized markets, and many of them were very successful ongoing operations.”

BIA/Kelsey also highlighted the fact that “Entercom was able to finance this transaction and successfully integrate these stations into their operation. It’s a very good sign for the local radio industry when business success follows such a major acquisition.”

Looking ahead in 2018, the blog post notes that the FCC has “issued new relaxed regulations concerning local ownership of local television stations, and relaxed regulations surrounding local television-radio and local broadcast-local newspaper ownership. While there is some question as to whether some or all of these new regulations will be challenged in the courts, there is some optimism that this relaxation will lead to an increase in station trading activity.”

Additionally, BIA/Kelsey adds that “The other key driver for increased activity was the passage of tax reform late in 2017. By lowering the overall corporate tax rate and full expensing of new capital equipment for five years, the values of broadcast properties (much like most other businesses) will most likely increase. This potential positive influence on these values should be taken in context of the longer-term trend of values reflecting the increased competition faced by local radio and television stations.”

They also note that “one cannot overlook the continuing strengthening economy, the record high DOW and how it all affects station transactions. Coupled with the impact of the deregulation and the new tax legislation, this stronger economy may lead to increased activity by some of the publicly traded broadcast companies, as well as privately held companies looking to expand.”