A Message from Deane Media Solutions CEO Fred Deane
January 1, 2021

Fred Deane
Segueing to a new year has prompted me, as I’m sure it has several others, to reflect back on one of the most infamous years our country and industry have faced in each of their respective histories. No, it hasn’t been pleasant for any of us by any stretch of the imagination, however, there were some positives many of us managed to still derive from this extremely challenging year.
Professionally, I started the year transitioning from a long and very rewarding career stint as CEO of FMQB to my very own Deane Media Solutions. Problem is, no one advised me that it was going to be a loaded year, consumed by an abundance of unexpected, and at times, unpleasant surprises.
The goal at DMS from our inception, and one that will continue to be at the very core of our philosophy, is to create high-level, quality content that offers solutions and perspectives from various radio, music, and multi-media leaders. Insights, perceptions, and visions that would shine a light on the forward progress needed in order to ensure a productive and prolific future for the industries that drive most of our careers.
As the year (and pandemic) progressed in 2020, it became readily apparent that solutions and support were precisely what our industry needed. Idea energy, creativity, resourcefulness, and solutions abounded from the numerous contributors we called on this year to participate in our content goals. It was fuel for our industry ecosystem which confronted adversity from several directions the entire year.
If you peruse our content coverage for 2020 in our website archives, you will find a copious amount of features which addressed the mercurial mood of the industry with the intention of aiming for broadmindedness, tolerance, and resolutions to the onslaught of challenges the year perpetually presented. Our goal was (and continues to be) to provide positive options in dealing with troubled times and unorthodox business practices of a pandemic year, as well as an industry that is constantly under assault for its viability.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to the radio and music communities who have displayed a generous amount of support during our inaugural DMS year. We all discovered one of the most cherished qualities emblematic of our industries which are the enriched and symbiotic relationships we enjoy with each other. We’ve long acknowledged that our collective industry is a small one, and it became even more intimate this year. Support, unity, and accord as a collective industry is truly the only way out of this mess of a 2020 year…and we have many thoughtful industry leaders who will continue to supply the necessary oxygen to sustain our industry lifeline.