What has your station done recently that has
stimulated press coverage from other media?

Toby Knapp/WIHT: Can you say…Bobby Brown?!

Kasper/WAKS: Our “Baby Idol” contest.

Eric Chase/WAEB: We had a local Idol finalist who was the last cut before Hollywood. We also did a “McDreamy” contest that generated alot of buzz.

JT Bosch/WHKF: We got a new morning show.

Sean “Rabbi” Tyszler/WMMR: Look at the PPM results.

Greg Rampage/KFMA: KFMA Day, our big concerts get us pretty good coverage in the local media.

Tim Sheridan/KIBZ: Lincoln just elected a new Mayor. We had the three candidates live on air in AM drive, taking part in a debate. Got plenty of TV and newspaper coverage.

Jason “Hammer” Squires/KFRR: Appearance in-market by Adam Carolla, our morning host.


Rob Heckman/WIYY: Our Polar Bear Plunge promotion we did on the last Saturday in January. It was the single largest event for raising money benefiting the Special Olympics. We had 8,000 people jump into the Chesapeake Bay. We raised $2 million. It received tons of media coverage.

Bob Patrick/WXLK: Our coverage of the Virginia Tech shootings. Our morning show was syndicated on XM for a few days for coverage and we also got picked up on FoxNews and CNN. Would love to have had the coverage been for something more uplifting, but it’s our job to cover these events.

Chris Reed/KSMB: Being part of the “Cupid Shuffle.” Cupid has been signed to Atlantic Records and we were part of the video shoot, and also got some newspaper and TV exposure.

JJ Rice/WBLI: Our coverage of the Va Tech shootings. Dana, our morning show host went to school there, and BLI In the Morning did an amazing heartfelt show the next day.

Mike Rossi/WSTW: Announcing our Wilmington Flower Market free concert series with Elliott Yamin, Cute Is What We Aim For and The Click Five.

Brody/WDCG: Bob The Bounty. They come on our morning show and talk about the most wanted people in North Carolina. So far, with our help, they have captured at least fifty people.

Keith Allen/WQEN: Baby Idol.

Chase Murphy/WFBC: Chris Sligh from American Idol is from here and has been friends of our morning show for quite a while. His band actually played at our morning guy Hawk Harrison’s wedding.

Christy Taylor/WFLY: The local angle our morning show took on the Virginia Tech incident was also emulated by other news stations.

Kobe/WLDI: We have partnerships with the NBC affiliate and The Sun Sentinel for charity events like High School student of the week; our morning show is also involved with the Go Red (American Heart Assoc.) campaign.

Tori Thomas/WZZO: We gave away a divorce for Valentine’s Day.  (I’m a jaded bitch, what can I say)  Listeners had to write an “I Loath You” poem to win.  The local news station did a piece on the promotion and it was picked up by CNN Headline News.  The story ran every half hour all day and I did a taped phone interview with one of the hosts. 

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What’s the most outrageous request for a promotion you’ve received from your sales department?
e-mail your responses to
: mbacon@fmqb.com