Eric Powers

Eric Powers

In a business that often sees station personnel changes and format flips on daily a frequent basis, it’s hard to believe that Eric Powers has remained a constant at Clear Channel Rhythmic CHR KUBE/Seattle for more than a decade. His passion for all aspects of radio programming is contagious. He’s grown into one of the format’s great programming minds who spends most of his time nowadays being a “listener advocate.” His strong desire to deliver great radio and meet listeners’ expectations on a daily basis is what keeps KUBE focused and ahead of the pack in the Seattle marketplace.

Q & A:  KUBE/Seattle PD Eric Powers

In a business that often sees station personnel changes and format flips on daily a frequent basis, it’s hard to believe that Eric Powers has remained a constant at Clear Channel Rhythmic CHRKUBE/Seattle for more than a decade. His passion for all aspects of radio programming is contagious. He’s grown into one of the format’s great programming minds who spends most of his time nowadays being a “listener advocate.” His strong desire to deliver great radio and meet listeners’ expectations on a daily basis is what keeps KUBE focused and ahead of the pack in the Seattle marketplace

eQB presents excerpts from the FMQB August Magazine Rhythm Up Close featuring KUBE/Seattle PD Eric Powers

On the secret to KUBE’s many years of success in the marketplace…
KUBE is a very disciplined radio station, and we have great processes. But that’s not what it’s about. Process makes you more efficient. What I believe adds to KUBE’s continued success is the fact it leads with creative on-air and online content, and everyone in programming is on the air and in the streets one-on-one with our P1’s. It also comes from saying no to a thousand things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much. It’s only by saying no that we can concentrate on the things that are really important like growing a loyal online and mobile network. This generation is all about social networking and we need to be a big part of that.

On the change in programming philosophy over time…
My programming philosophies have adjusted with technology, but I stay firm on leading with creative which helps us stay relevant in the daily lives of our consumers. A great radio product is communicated through a feeling that people have, but our listeners don’t exactly understand why. But they know a lot of love and care is put into the product. We’re a mood service and a lifestyle brand – our consumers expect a lot and we must deliver. My team and I keep the station fresh by understanding what listeners really want and expect from us. We’re not programmers, we’re really listener advocates. I spend more time understanding what our consumers want and how we can deliver it on-air, online, and at events through mobile technology. Specifically, I oversee and develop a lot of the marketing online and television focused on enhancing our mobile marketing and being agnostic about our web content.

On where the station has developed or evolved most…
KUBE 93 MOBILE/SMS. We now have text-for-traffic, text your location and we can send you a customized update on my show. Text weather and get an update. Text last played and you’ll get the last three songs, artist and title.

On the success of the MobileClick initiative…
We have almost 50,000 mobile users. T-Man [our morning man] has been a huge part of its growth and launch. It has and continues to be an amazing way for our listeners to interact with our brand. Our listeners use it for traffic, weather, requests, shout outs, contests and the sales department sells our clients right into this great mobile network. Gus Swanson (CC Seattle’s Web Master) and I are huge believers in mobile technology and have been for a while. It’s not only our future…it’s our present.

     SMS is here to stay and MMS can expect numerous growth opportunities by owning and delivering more valuable and stimulating content. MMS will allow graphics, video clips, sound files, etc…that’s the future. Our more immediate goals are mobile video, and eventually to purchase Summer Jam tickets via text and receive a bar code to get into the venue.

On the state of Rhythm CHR today…
Our format is not at the top of the passion list as it once was because of various reasons. 1) The Hip-Hop attraction had this assumed authenticity that many listeners feel has been over commercialized. 2) After more then a quarter-century on the charts, it’s no longer the radical newcomer. 3) We now share our format with four other stations in town including the HOT AC.

     Not long ago Hip-Hop dominated the album sales charts. Now, the music that has been a driving force in American culture is really having big challenges. Many established artists are not a sure thing and a portion of the format’s music has reached an evolutionary plateau. Programmers need to keep a more open mind on overall CHR product or you could die on the vine.

On the mainstreaming of Hip-Hop being a good thing for the Rhythmic format…
It’s a double edge sword. The mainstreaming has helped grow interest and audience but hurt the core passion level. I feel like we’ve had time to see this coming and now we’re living the effects of what has happened to the format. The Hip-Hop side of the format needs to re-invent and build excitement because it’s worn out its welcome in many consumer minds.

On the importance of mix shows…
Mixing is our special weapon. Our format (done right) can really be an asset and help to re-energize the station and add energy. This is a key part of our station’s lifestyle and culture.

On the importance of having a Music Director like Karen Wild…
Karen has been a key to KUBE 93’s success…period. People may not know but Karen is MD/APD, on-air, and the voice of the station. She has also cultivated amazing relationships with artists and managers which I strongly feel makes her one of the country’s best. She understands musically what KUBE needs and helps cultivate our direction. I have a real trust with Karen and she has done some amazing work to really improve our product.

On the positives of working within a corporate radio environment…
I have a great working environment. The culture is what has kept me here for so long. Michele Grosenick (GM) has been amazing for my growth at KUBE and instrumental in my career. She really understands how to empower and manage her people. I have incredible online resources and content daily, a huge network of great programmers I can call anytime, and endless research information.

On how radio can do better to maintain its standing as the go-to medium…
I feel like music was starting to fade in importance for a while until the iPod was born. The iPod has help bring music back into peoples’ lives in a meaningful way and all boats can rise on that tide. Music is deep within all of us and evokes every emotion you can think of. If radio can create its own version of that feeling and emotion through its platforms we’ll be very relevant years from now. We need to understand and fulfill what the listener really expects from us on-the-air and online…don’t be boring!

** QB Content Bob Burke **

Also in the August Issue:

Street Scenes:
T-Pain at B96 Summer Jam, T.I gets wired at WRDW, Lloyd at WJMN Summer Jam, Mya visits KMEL, Melissa Jimenez.