The Jonas Brothers visited Ryan Seacreast at KIIS/Los Angeles and drew a crowd of 1000 fans, the biggest ever assembled at his morning show. (L-R): KIIS PD John Ivey, Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, Ryan Seacrest, KIIS APD/MD Julie Pilat, Jonas Brothers’ Big Rob and Hollywood Records Scot Finck

The Jonas Brothers visited Ryan Seacreast at KIIS/Los Angeles and drew a crowd of 1000 fans, the biggest ever assembled at his morning show. (L-R): KIIS PD John Ivey, Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, Ryan Seacrest, KIIS APD/MD Julie Pilat, Jonas Brothers’ Big Rob and Hollywood Records Scot Finck

While making the radio rounds in Nashville, Jessica Simpson took this shot with WRVW PD/Clear Channel-Nashville OM Rich Davis.

While making the radio rounds in Nashville, Jessica Simpson took this shot with WRVW PD/Clear Channel-Nashville OM Rich Davis.

KWYL PD Nick Elliott (center) welcomed Laze and Royal to Reno.

KWYL PD Nick Elliott (center) welcomed Laze and Royal to Reno.

One of these guys was once a Rhinestone Cowboy…. and the other is Capitol’s Ed Green, pictured with music legend Glen Campbell.

One of these guys was once a Rhinestone Cowboy…. and the other is Capitol’s Ed Green, pictured with music legend Glen Campbell.