June 19, 2020

We need positivity! Can you share some positive news both personally and professionally?

Rich Davis, KDWB: I literally climbed down into a storm drain two weekends ago and rescued nine baby ducklings who had fallen in. Mandy and I were going to a store out in the country and Mandy had seen a mother duck with nine ducklings on her trail. As I was taking a picture, the duck walked over a storm drain and eight of her ducklings started falling in one by one. So, what started out to be the cutest picture turned into a horror story. We went over and strenuously removed the cover and I went down and rescued them one by one…a very HAPPY ending! Professionally, we recently did a lot of stuff around the George Floyd incident. We did 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence on-air. It was like an eternity to have all that dead air, but more importantly it was very powerful.

Alex Tear, SiriusXM/Pandora: The vibrant and real positive energy that Hits 1 has provided our listeners is why I do it. This amazing Team has remained focused and on duty for our First Responders and it’s all making a difference. Broadcasting to tens of millions locked down in quarantine, we’ve walked arm and arm with our listeners. Thank you to all of our partners, from Taylor to Biebs, Halsey, JT, Dua, JoBro’s, Camila, twenty one pilots, Demi, Liam and so many more! Thank you, our listeners love you.

Jammer, WEZB: I’m still living and breathing and our stations are on fire with our staff and great friends.

Fish, WKRZ: I’m building a house (the interest rates are amazing right now), and I’m back spinning weekends at The Woods on Saturday’s outside on the deck from 6-8pm.

Erik Bradley, B96: It’s always important to put and keep yourself in a positive mindset, and to keep that kind of energy going in the right direction.

Max Volume, KOZZ: During quarantine I went through 25 cassette long boxes (the kind of boxes 25 promo cassettes were shipped in) and sorted through 38 years of airchecks. Ten boxes were actually industry releases (some still sealed), the rest were a chronicling of my career: KOZZ, KRZQ, KRXQ, KZAK, KDOT, and KOZZ again. I found two full boxes of interviews with everyone from ZZ Top to Mary’s Danish. One gem stuck out; Andy Partridge of XTC. Great memories from a wild ride. Sad that there is such a disconnect between the labels and radio. Together we launched artists that populated the sonic landscape of a person’s world.

Jason Squires, KFRR: My 8-year-old, Ryan, has learned how to ride his bike during this crazy time.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: For the station, business is starting to come back, clients are starting to buy advertising and that’s a huge win for everybody. Personally, I just booked a beach vacation in July and I cannot wait to check out for a few days.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: Both my cooking and meditation skills are better than they’ve been at any point in my life. Professionally, it’s interesting right now because we’re in “unprecedented times” and you have to approach it with that beginner’s mindset because it’s circumstances you haven’t dealt with before, and to me that’s exciting.

Bartel, WKTU: NYC is moving into phase 2 with outdoor dining on Monday. Weather has been beautiful and we’re looking forward to summer and malls are opening in Jersey. Let’s keep the positive vibes flowing in the right direction.

Adam Rivers, WKCI: Everything seems to moving in a positive direction in Connecticut as we’re moving into phase 2 re-opening. Let just hope it stays that way. We just want to continue to have fun and produce great radio for our listeners.

R Dub! Z90: Personally: I have enjoyed staying off of social media for the last three weeks. I feel so liberated? Professionally: New book (second one) dropping in July!

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Took my kids fishing in the mountains whilst furloughed. They both crushed it.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: I have a perfect one for the station. Our morning show (Mike & Steph) won Lehigh Valley Styles Best Local Radio Personality! I’m happy and healthy, that’s my good personal news.

Jagger, WKSS: Working on some home improvements always puts a smile on face. We had a good month of May in the ratings. We’re getting through the pandemic and still managed Top 5 ratings in much of our demos.

Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: For us, Country radio is performing exceptionally well during these crazy times. It’s a “comfort” format listeners can count on to help make them feel good. Personally, as I imagine for a lot of folks, it’s been a great time to work closer to home and have more valuable time with my kids. They’re probably pretty sick of me by now though.

Brian Mack, WXXL: There’s plenty of positive news! My fiancé and I have made changes to our life that are healthier for our relationship (we now go on hikes, play 20 questions, head’s up, make theme nights, etc.) We also both rarely miss workouts and have a solid food for fun/food for survival balance. Our fur babies have never gotten this much consistent love from us. The house and all of its contents are now hella organized/even did some touch up paint and caulking. The world might make some progress on some long-time issues we didn’t start, but we can help finish. In the short term the Orange Man may lose his job or maybe even his legal backing. COVID 19 has put radio against the ropes, forcing us to change. We’re now converting our talents into 360-degree influencers capable of selling beyond the speakers. We’re now making all kinds of ways to interact/alter the content of the station in real time via Instagram. We’ve kicked our TikTok game up big time.

Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia: Personally, I just knocked out my longest run ever this morning, and professionally I went back to my office for the first time in twelve weeks and didn’t find any expired food in my desk.

Randi West, WRMF: Just had the biggest month on my station in over a year in ratings, and personally my house has never been cleaner.

Java Joel, WAKS: Positive news??? Just did episode #40 of my “This Week In The 80s” podcast. By the end of the series, I’ll have talked about every song to every hit the Billboard Hot 100. Plug, plug, plug! Listen to it on iHeartRadio… #1 for podcasts! (Smiley face).

Sue O’Neil, WKSE: My nail salon is open!

Chris Michaels, FM100: Personally, I’ve enjoyed spending more time with my family and less traveling these past few months. Professionally, more and more people are getting back into a regular routine and spending more time with the radio every day.

Kobe, @kobeontheradio: My family is happy and healthy, and in the grand scheme of things that’s all we really need.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If you could rewrite one traditional radio rule for this generation of listeners, which rule would that be?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com