April 17, 2020

What lessons have you learned (professionally and personally) from working at home these days?

Dan Hunt, WWPW: Professionally, video meetings last twice as long as in-person meetings. Personally, my family actually likes me… Who knew!

Orlando, WLLD: I’m still in the building, everyday. We’re down to maybe 12 people in the building but it’s work and home. I have learned that creativity is a strong benefit of a lot of downtime.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: I’ve discovered a new-found appreciation for going into the office!

Toby Knapp, WASH: Professionally – I’ve learned just how much better our Toby+Chilli show team is together. We each have unique strengths, and over the last two, what, three weeks of this doing the show from outside of the studio, I’ve seen us pull off some pretty epic stuff. Personally – I’m learning that being an extrovert with a ‘defy conformity’ + ‘moderate issues with authority’ complex doesn’t bode well when you are told to stay home, wear masks, etc. I’m not stir crazy yet, but I’m finding that if I write about it, and talk about it with my therapist, I’m usually good to go.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Take breaks for family and don’t let your 3-year-old know where your office is! The biggest challenge is that there are a lot more distractions and you have to really discipline yourself to not only stay on task but also stay communicative with your team.

Chris Michaels, FM100:You learn how to get real creative, when you have everyone set up working from home, so that we stay connected. I’ve never used Zoom until a few weeks ago, and now I’ve seen virtual new artist showcases, had meetings, and more on Zoom. Just need to do a Zoom Happy Hour one of these days! HA! Personally, my biggest challenge is staying out of the refrigerator.

Kobe, @kobeontheradio: I’ve learned new skills for documenting my content. Twitch is something I didn’t know much about before now I have a channel and learning to grow it each week. The biggest challenge is staying disciplined day to day with all the distractions in the house.

Sue O’Neil, WKSE: Wear pants!

Jammer, WEZB: I HATE COMPUTERS… When they don’t work!!!


Java Joel, WAKS: Honestly? That you can get a lot more office work done at home than you can in the office. I have the luxury of being able to work from home and from the “studio”. Kinda hoping this is the “new norm!” for good!

Jeff Hurley, iHeartMedia: I’ve become a fan of the flexibility and schedule of Working From Home. It’s given me additional time with my family that I never had before. The downside? It’s impossible to completely replicate the sense of team that you get from working directly with a staff every day. I miss the spontaneous spark of ideas when you get creative people in the same space.

Rick Vaughn KENZ: I need a bigger f-ing house…PERIOD!

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: The one thing I’ve really learned professionally is that I do not like working from home…and the internet sucks! On the positive side, personally the family hasn’t gotten closer.

R Dub! Z90: I’ve learned the joy of taking baths, that Cookie Crisp is so amazing, that 40% of my Facebook friends are medical experts and 70% are very bad comedians. I’ve learned to budget better and sleep later. Sadly, I have not learned how to work out…I’m up 10 pounds and just getting started. I’m working on my second book, stay tuned.

Kevin Kash, WWEG: I’ve learned that we are connected to our listeners more than ever through this pandemic. We can provide local information for them in a moment’s notice on-air and via social media.

Max Volume, KOZZ: Keep to your regular schedule, Bathe and groom just like you always would. Discipline yourself. Just because I’m broadcasting from home doesn’t mean the product is any different!

Jagger, WKSS: I’m learning to be more patient in general, on both sides. Try to just let things happen and don’t overthink things and just be more patient.

Rich Davis, KQWB: No working at home here! Holding down the fort in the office every day.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Personally, it’s important to shower and get dressed daily. Professionally, question anyone who has their background blurred on Teams or Zoom. The biggest challenges is reliable internet now more important than ever.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ:I only need be professional from the chest area up.


Jordan, KSLZ: I’ve learned how to improve my time management skills. Separating family and work life has been the toughest challenge. But it’s still a work-in-progress. I don’t know if I could ever permanently work from home. How many people can put work down? It’s actually forcing people to work more even though our GM’s are telling us to take the time and step away from work. I try to do that and occasionally it works as priorities shift throughout the day.

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: I’ve worked mostly from home for the last several years, so it’s not really new for me. But the biggest challenge is dealing with a call when the dog starts barking loudly because the UPS truck pulled in to drop off a package.

Rob Roberts, Cox Media Group: Get the highest speed internet at your house and don’t confuse emails and texts with actually talking to your team.

Mase, CD1025: That I’m actually working at the station. I’m the only one besides Randy our owner allowed in the building. Someone has to make the donuts.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
With more time on your hands given the stay-at-home mandates, are you learning any new skills and/or perfecting ones that you haven’t had time to perfect previously?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com