September 20, 2019

What is the most optimistic thing you can say about the future of radio?

Pat Paxton, Entercom: 227,000,000 current listeners (according to Nielsen), which dwarfs any other audio source. Add what digital brings (web, mobile, podcasting), and radio companies will continue to dominate the audio space.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: Radio will always have the ability to not only present great music, but what separates us from the streamers is that we can combine that with great entertainment, compelling personalities, exciting promotions, and awesome shows. We’re not just a playlist, we’re a very tangible service to super serve our communities and connect with listeners in so many other unique ways.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: We control our relevance.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Our three biggest points of differentiation (discovery, surprise and companionship) means that there will always be a place for our content regardless of the device it’s delivered on.

Tim Rainey, KUDL/The End: We finally have the opportunity to make the talent the stars. In a landscape where so many listeners can get music anywhere they want, the talent will finally be the ones to get people to come and stay and listen to the radio. I’ve been an advocate for that for a very long time.

Kobe, WWHT: With the usage of smart speakers on a meteoric rise, it will only make people using voice search more of an everyday thing. This will make audio one of the main forms of content delivery, making radio as relevant as ever.

Fish, WKRZ: It’s simple, more companies are starting to realize that locality is key and the more this is emphasized by our entire medium as a whole, the brighter our future will look.

Scot Finck, Hollywood Records: As it has always has been, it will always be, the thing you can turn to for companionship, entertainment, information and even inspiration any second of the day. Where are you ever going get all that at radio’s incredible price point – free.

Mase, CD1025: Hella Mega Tour

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: Very soon the only players that will be left will be actual broadcasters and not banks.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Our ability to connect locally is such weapon. Our talent – our greatest weapon – are true content creators, innovating new ways to present personality via broadcast – no matter where that broadcast might be. And, our personalities are authentic, which makes us something beyond “influencers…” Our talent – our artists – are driving radio’s evolution… and we’re FAR from done. GOMF!

Todd Shannon, WAPE: The future is in our hands to help determine what it is. If you’re just going to throw up your hands and say. “I quit,” get out of the way and let the rest of us figure it out. It’s surprising how many people out there have such a negative attitude about it. There’s always going to be a use and need for radio, we’re just going to have to continue to refine and reshape it over the coming years.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: As long as radio is meeting audio content expectations, it will remain relevant.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: There are a lot of smart people in the industry that understand the need to continue to evolve. If those people are allowed to do what they do, radio will continue to be the driving force in consumption.

Adam Rivers, KC101: Personality. Do a damn show and entertain your audience. Take the time, or we’ll all be working at Chick-Fil-A.

Nik Rivers, WLKK: Lenny Diana will be AARP-eligible and retiring soon.

Max Volume, KOZZ: No membership needed! It’s FREE!!!

Kevin Kash, WWEG: It has the ability to evolve, be local and free. I’m fortunate to be in it and I’ll continue to contribute my part to make it worthwhile for the audience. 

JB King, KLUC: Radio will always have passionate people who will find a way to make interactive and compelling radio.

Sassy, WKXJ: Radio continues to dominate other platforms of audio entertainment and information, no matter what the press says. We’re always told, “This is going to end radio.” And it hasn’t. It’s still the number one way to get out new music to listeners without subscription fees. No matter how they try to
beat us, nothing sounds as good as free!

Buzz Knight, Beasley Media Group: There has never been a more robust time for audio. Due to multiple delivery systems we have an opportunity to have our content heard in more places than ever!

Java Joel, WAKS: Lots of bean counters with bad ideas, 1985 thinking and huge egos are approaching retirement. That’s good!


Jimmy Steal, WTMX: I think that on a national basis PUM (People Using Media) erosion is lessening, as measured by Neilson. That’s seems to be the way it’s trending now.

Rod Phillips, iHeartMedia: There are many ways for artists to get exposure on their music, but they know they have “really” made it when radio plays it, particularly in the Country format.

Jonathan Reed, WNOK: We are free. We can be depended on during emergency situations. People can rely on us.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: We’re FREE… nuff said!

Matt Talluto, WFTK: If the powers that be let programmers put programming first and allow air talent (who actually prep 24/7) to entertain, it’s unstoppable! If it’s ALWAYS about budgets, there isn’t a chance.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
If there was going to be a bio-pic about your life, which actor or actress would you want to play you (and why), and what would be the theme song of the film?
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