June 28, 2019

If you could change one thing about our industry, what would it be?

R Dub! Z90: I would have the radio industry as a whole would market itself more and do a much better job. Market the medium!

Jonathan Reed, WNOK: I wish we would not devalue the products or our worth.

Kobe, WWHT: I’d put more emphasis on the importance of our brands’ content. Utilizing video, social media, LinkedIn, and other non-traditional ways of expanding the reach of our brand allowing listeners more options to experience our content.

Java Joel, WAKS: Get rid of non-risk-taking p*****s, huge egos, know-it-alls and entitled little jerks that don’t want to put in the work. Oh – and spreadsheets, PowerPoints and time consuming, soul-sucking meetings. Wait – that was more than one. I’m sorry.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: We’d all have synesthesia, and have the power to share it with others.

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: I want carts back.

Chris Michaels, FM100: I’d require live overnights everywhere to groom new and upcoming talent.


Buzz Knight, Beasley Media Group: Eliminate our inferiority complex.

Shadow, KQRA: The pay.

Chuck Damico, WMMR / WBEN: The industry needs to take a renewed interest in the industry and what it is we do in the industry to make sure the industry remains a vital industry.

Roxy Myzal: That professional courtesy would return. Simply stated: PDs and MDs who actually return phone calls.


Mike Miller, WZFT: The constant cutbacks and staff.

Jimmy Steal, WTMX: I would ensure the NAB initiated a multi-year, multi-platform, really cool, cutting edge, award winning national campaign on the user benefits of radio. It’s time to stop making excuses and tout our incredible strengths.

Jammer, WEZB: More time in the day and more people on staff.

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: A corporate mandate putting waterslides and taco stands in all of our buildings.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Its perception, both internally and externally, by creating a series of effective marketing campaigns so our brands continue to attract young people and advertisers.

Justin Chase, Beasley Media Group: I would want less regulation for our industry. Our primary competitors are no longer the radio stations across the street. The big tech companies are radio’s biggest competitors and they are allowed to operate with very little regulation. It would be nice if we were on an even playing field from a regulation standpoint. Can you imagine the federal government telling Google, Facebook or Amazon they are only allowed to reach 30% of the population in America?

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: Consolidation.

Lenny Diana, WAQY/WLZX: Deregulation

Max Volume, KOZZ: Go back in time to stop Congress from destroying the record companies and radio when they passed the Telecomm Bill!

Kobi, WNRW / WLGX: Too much voice tracking is hurting our ability to have more LOCAL talent shine. I’m all for a couple of out-of-market trackers on stations (Thanks for the love AJ and WHQC/Charlotte) but I think voice tracking is taking away full-time and part-time on air opportunities in markets that thrive on the ability to be OWN their cities.

Mike “OD” O’Donnell, WKRZ: A mandatory number of days between records from the same artist. For example, use the car warranty model…3 years or 36 million streams.

Sassy, WKXJ: I’d like to see it taken more seriously when people ask for your ideas and input. A lot of times, no action is taken when people feel like they’re involved in the decision-making process, and that leaves you a bit frustrated.

Jagger, WKSS / WKCI: I’d go back in time and undo the Telecom Bill of ’96. I think the industry is at its best when it’s much more competitive and there are more jobs available the way it was pre-1996.

Fish, WKRZ: From a music standpoint, we have to back off a little from our reliance on streaming numbers. We have to go back to our traditional thought of radio and really let a record do its thing, fully develop and run its course. Just because it’s peaked in streaming and the labels want to drop that next single doesn’t mean we should quit on a record.

Carl Craft, WRAT: Pay for play. Why the f*** does this still happen? Seriously, why are stations getting paid to spin a record three times on an overnight? It makes chart positions totally meaningless and hardly helps the band at all.

Matt Talluto, WBYR:How much time do you have?!?!

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What motivates you the most about your job?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com