October 7, 2022

If you could have the career of any music, entertainment, or sports personality, who’s would it be and why?

Mike O’Donnell, WKRZ: Tom Brady, because he succeeds at anything he does, he’s definitely in way better shape than I am, and he’s about as rich as you can get. I know he’s getting ready for a divorce but it wouldn’t matter to me, she’s not really my type.

Matt Johnson, WPLW: Barry Sanders because he was electrifying and got out before he got really hurt.

Brian Mack, iHeartMedia: Billy Joel, he’s loves a cocktail, as do I, and he can also continue bank rolling on his past. I haven’t figured that out yet.

Guy Zapoleon, Zapoleon Consulting: Probably one of my favorite people of all time Bruce Springsteen. He’s one of the greatest performers ever and I admire the way he lends his voice to important causes. His music and lyrics are powerful, and he speaks truth to power We had so many artists like that during the turbulent ‘60s but now we don’t and we certainly need more like Bruce to speak through their music with this country split and millions being brainwashed by one man’s lies.

Valentine, WBHT: Elvis because I just saw the movie and it’s top of mind, although I didn’t like the ending.

Jagger, KCHZ: Jim Thome, the all-time Cleveland Indians/Guardians home run leader. He led the Indians to two World Series appearances, he’s a Hall of Famer, some great accomplishments there. There’s a statue outside of the stadium!

Rick Vaughn, KENZ: Frank Sinatra and it’s pretty obvious why.

Lee Abrams, mediavisions: Richard Branson. He did it right.

Erik Bradley, WBBM: Michael Jordan because he is the GOAT!

Randi West, WRMF: Rihanna. No doubt. Her own fashion line, make up line, and can sing and perform and is from the beautiful country of Barbados. Where do I sign?

Jana Sutter, WXXL: Erin Andrews, all the sports and all of the endorsements.

Toby Knapp, WASH: Alissa Pollack. Every time I see her – and I do mean every time – I see someone with genuine joy and passion and love for what she does, and you can’t put a price tag what that does for the soul. Plus, she’s able to use her position to make the world a better place via City of Hope and Musicians on Call. She’s one of the best. I also wouldn’t mind being Bob Iger, former Disney CEO. That man just gets it.

Bob Patrick, WXLK: Phillies Phanatic. Get to go to all the games for free. Dump popcorn on people’s heads and use the cannon to shoot hot dogs into the crowd.

Chuck Damico, WPEN/WMMR: Bill Weston. Or his APD.

Kobe, WURV: Dwayne Johnson, cuz he’s f***ing Dwayne Johnson!

Joey Brooks, WKSS: Dave Grohl, two great Rock bands, the coolest dude around, why not?!

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What is something from back home that you just can’t find anywhere else?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@deanemediasolutions.com or bburke@deanemediasolutions.com