August 26, 2022

Given the ongoing fascination with space, who would accompany you on your flight and why?

Orlando Davis, WLLD: Somebody who knows how to fix sh*t, fight sh*t, and get me back home!


Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: No one, because I need the space!

Valentine, WBHT: A space shuttle full of potty-trained puppies.

Fish, WKRZ: I’m a huge Niners fan so I’d want Kyle Shanahan and we can lay out the forthcoming season and I can tell him how to use his players better in space.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: Might sound corny, but I’d only want to go with my family.

Buster Satterfield, WIOQ: Post Malone. We wouldn’t get bored.


Kobe, WURV: I’d have my daughter because she’s adventurous like that, my wife not so much. I’d also want some Calvin Harris to DJ, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Kevin Hart for comic relief on the trip.

Matt Johnson, WPLW: I would take my wife. We’re very yin and yang and we complement each other well with problem solving. I like her skills-set matched with my skills-set.

Jeremy Rice, WXXL: That’s easy, Elton John! #RocketMan



Rick Vaughn, KENZ: My oldest daughter, she’s a space nerd like me.

Joey Brooks, WKSS: I would choose my family, but they probably wouldn’t want to spend all that time with me in space.

Jagger, KCHZ: Mark Hamill, it would be cool to go to space with Luke Skywalker, at least he knows his way around up there!

Dom Theodore, Radio Animal Media Strategies: My wife, because if I said anyone else, she would be quite unhappy with me.

Jana Sutter, WXXL: I would have taken my dad, he was a pilot and would have found it interesting.

Erik Bradley, WBBM: P!nk would just be fun to hang out with in close quarters, and she has great aerial and tumbling skills.

R Dub!, Z90/Magic 92.5: Mom is getting up there, so she’d probably get the invite. Either her, or the new hottie in promotions

Rich Davis, KDWB: I’m not going anywhere without my wife!

Heather Deluca, WSJO: Hmm. My dad would have been my first choice. Not sure if he’d have gone, though! We shared a love of aviation and space, and he was a huge 2001: Space Odyssey and Star Trek fan. So, I’d have to say my brother. That would be a cool experience to have with a sibling.

Josh Wolff, WAEB: Whoever can tolerate me for a 15-minute space journey.


Bob Patrick, WXLK: P!nk. Simply because she is a bad ass!

Adam Rivers, WKCI: Nobody. I’m staying on the ground.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
As the summer winds down, what are your top 3 summer songs of 2022?
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