Rich McLaughlin (photo: Jay B. Wilson)

Rich McLaughlin (photo: Jay B. Wilson)

Triple A WFUV/New York has named Rich McLaughlin as its new Program Director. McLaughlin currently oversees catalog programming globally for Amazon Music. He starts at WFUV on June 14.

“Rich is uniquely qualified for this role,” said Chuck Singleton, WFUV General Manager. “His accomplishments speak directly to the transition WFUV and the wider industry is experiencing. Rich’s leadership will be a booster shot for our content development and programming outreach to diverse new audiences.”

“I’m over the moon about joining WFUV as Program Director,” said McLaughlin. “The opportunity to serve a station and university deeply embedded in my DNA is especially meaningful. FUV’s reputation for music discovery is well earned. The depth of industry partnerships with artists, labels, venues, and cultural organizations is extraordinary. The engaged community of music lovers who support its mission as listeners and donors is second to none. I’m grateful for the chance to guide WFUV’s next programming chapter, and I can’t wait to start contributing.”

It’s a homecoming for McLaughlin, who succeeds the late Rita Houston in the role. Houston passed away in December 2020 after a 26-year tenure at WFUV, serving as PD, MD and on-air DJ. McLaughlin’s radio career began under Houston’s mentorship as a Fordham University student in the late 1990s.

“WFUV’s rich history and culture is steeped in its training mission,” said McLaughlin. “The education I received from Rita is evidence of her mission accomplished. Rita taught me that success achieved at the expense of authenticity is failure in disguise. The path she paved allowed for missteps along the way, and always led me back to what’s real. Rita’s spirit, fearlessness, and love of music continues to inspire.”