When Nielsen entered the audio measurement space, for the first time radio was stacked up against the competition — and the results surprised a few people. Despite the countless media and entertainment options available today, AM/FM radio continues to be the top weekly reach medium.

Marketers and brand managers are rediscovering radio. It’s a mass medium that can deliver targetability and message frequency in markets large and small. And as the audio pie continues to grow (Americans are carving out more and more time each day to listen), radio consumers tune in when and where it counts. Listening outside the home and, specifically, in the car is a huge part of the radio ecosystem. This gives advertisers the opportunity to uniquely deliver their message just prior to purchase.

Do you know your Podcast Listener?

Every year the audio landscape in America continues to expand as more consumers tune in to more (and more) audio across many different platforms. Nielsen’s new Audio Today Report reveals that hundreds of millions of Americans listen to the radio each week; at the same time, usage of digital platforms and podcasts continue to rise. We’ve never had more options to hear our favorite music, stories, sports and commentary, and few media prove this the way podcasts do, as this is one realm where there is literally something for everyone.

The profile of an average podcast listener (according to Nielsen Scarborough) is young, educated and affluent. Consumers who watch, listen to or download a podcast are significantly more likely to be higher educated, higher income and career-minded, making them a qualified—and valuable—audience for advertisers and marketers.

For additional insights about the audio landscape, download the latest Audio Today Report