Nielsen has announced the launch of enhanced capabilities within Social Content Ratings to support the analysis of owned and organic activity within the total social TV conversation. These advanced analytics help to inform network media strategies by measuring the engagement with content posted by owned accounts associated with a program or network in addition to organic accounts from the general viewing audience.

This new owned and organic analytical capability within the current Social Content Ratings platform will include Twitter data at launch with plans to incorporate Facebook and Instagram measurement at a later date. The enhancement is available in Australia, Italy, Mexico and the U.S.

By breaking down total Social TV activity into owned and organic, networks will now be able to better understand the efficacy of their social strategies and pinpoint influencers among the general viewing audience. Similarly, agencies and advertisers will be able to leverage these actionable insights to help inform brand content strategies across social channels.

“Networks are continuing to invest in social strategies to drive awareness and engagement around programs,” said Johann Dudley, Senior Vice President, Global Product, Nielsen Social. “Being able to provide both owned and organic analysis now gives clients and the industry a trusted source of syndicated measurement to understand the return on those investments and how they play a role in driving the overall social conversation about television.”

Nielsen leverages a dynamic methodology to track TV conversations around the clock. This methodology employs over 50,000 unique program, network, cast, team and athlete social accounts, and attributes their activity when relevant to provide precise syndicated measurement at scale. Nielsen accesses full-fidelity APIs from Twitter and is the only measurement provider with direct access to aggregate, anonymous program-related Facebook topic data in order to measure total social TV activity across social networks.

“We know that large social fan bases for OWN shows like Greenleaf and Queen Sugar help drive their success. With these advanced analytics, we can now optimize the content distributed on our social platforms and identify our most engaging content and handles, as well as key audience influencers,” said Harriet Seitler, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network.

In addition to providing owned and organic analysis within total social TV measurement for TV networks and over-the-top (OTT) streaming providers, Social Content Ratings includes social TV advertising solutions and engagement tools to help TV networks, agencies and advertisers maximize the social impact of their cross-platform strategies.