FM 94/9 – San Diego
In California, Coachella is religion. But every rock station has Coachella giveaways. So how do you make yours stand out? If you’re FM94/9, you remove your top. Behold one of their morning show hosts, Chris Cantore, sans shirt. So you get a virally (that’s a word?) vid, and a first in radio: having to get naked AFTER getting the job.
DC 101 – Washington
I now believe that all radio stations should promote their Summer festival the way DC 101 does here. Check the featured video on their “about” page. It makes ME want to attend their festival, and I have so much social anxiety that I turn the box around so Captain Crunch won’t watch me eat, so that’s saying something. Even though young people have now made the word meaningless (“this banana is EPIC!”), this makes Kerfuffle look epic.
101X – Austin
Capitalizing on the current lip sync craze, morning team Jason and Deb from 101X in Austin did a mash of “Faith” by both George Michael and Limp Bizkit. Highlights include Deb getting backup dancers to shake their asses for the entire song, and Jason air-spinning. No, no, you read that correctly.