October 26, 2018

In honor of Halloween, who or what in life is scary, and what is your scariest movie of all-time?

Gina Gray, WERO: Hurricanes! They’re this monster that you know is coming for you and you have nowhere to hide, you can’t control anything in your life. All you can do is sit and wait, with the anticipation of, ‘are we going to get through this unscathed or is my life about to drastically change and how do I handle the aftermath?’ Movie is The Exorcist.

Sassy, WKXJ: Cats peeing on furniture. The Exorcist is still the original “sleep with the light on” for me.

Rick Vaughn, Power 94.9: Other drivers! I’ve lived in enough cities to know that I’m taking the train. It would be the Faces of Death series back in the ‘70’s, it was pretty gruesome. The original Halloween movies are up there as well.

Jeff Hurley, WLAN: Current state of politics is very scary. Movie is Alien, but it’s more like a suspenseful scary which I actually like.

Valentine, WBHT: Our current reality is pretty scary right now! As for scary movie, I’d say The Strangers always has me making sure my doors are locked at night.

Fish Boy, WKRZ: Dead air. Movie has to be Nightmare On Elm Street, I hate Freddy Krueger. I had a bad experience when I was younger with that dude, and it’s stuck with me.

Jason LaChance, Radio Merced: Scary? My ex-wife trying to get more child support. As a kid seeing A Nightmare on Elm Street had to be the most freighting film and movie monster ever. Second to that was Jaws, as I grew up near the beach and was a surfer/body surfer as a kid.

Kevin Kash, WWEG: Violence in real life is scary. On that note, scariest move for me has to be The Exorcist.


Chris Michaels, FM100: For me it’s heights and roller coasters. My stomach doesn’t handle that very well. Scariest movie would be IT.

Matt Johnson, KSLZ: I’m not really into scary stuff in general. I don’t go to haunted houses, I don’t watch scary movies, I like to keep my vibe positive. In life, disruptors are scary. Whoever the next Randy Michaels is that I don’t see coming, and I say that out of respect.

Buster, WFLZ: The end of my Philly run and the CBS takeover. Scream and from when I was a kid any movie that had Michael Myers in it.

Jonathan Reed, WNOK: The division in this country. Poltergeist. Life is scary enough!

Kobi, WNRW/WLGX: The President… real talk! Movie: Children of the Corn.

Brian Michel, iHeartMedia / Atlanta: The current collective “outrage” movement where who can be the most outraged by anything is the currency of the world… that’s f**king scary. Get a grip people, stop being so offended by everything and move on. Scariest movie: The Shining.

Alex Tear, Y100: Hillary. Scariest Movie of All-Time: A Star Is Born.


Mike Miller, WZFT: Clowns. They can’t be trusted. Child’s Play really messed me up as a kid.

Jon Zellner, iHeartMedia: I was way too young when I saw Burnt Offerings for the first time…nightmares for years.  Not too scary anymore.

Rob Roberts, WRQX: 11:59 right before you download the latest Nielsen numbers, and The Shining.


Reed Phillips, Sun Media-Paducah, KY: Without question, the scariest movie is aimed at kids… Willy Wonka and his band of musical murdering sidekicks. I mean the Chocolate Factory. When they killed all but 1 of those kids, it totally scared me as a child.

Zac Davis, WRVQ: The Strangers… creepy, random, frightening. The Ring…. when she comes out of the TV!!

Bob Patrick, WXLK: As a kid, it was Psycho and Friday the 13th – Part 2. The shower scene in Psycho bugged me out for months and Jason wearing a burlap sack with one eye hole was a trip! Blair Witch Project really messed me up as an adult. I was very paranoid for about a week. I was also off soda that week so that may have contributed. As far as who is scary, two words… Keith Rothschild!

Chris K, The End: The way people are treating each other on social media is very scary. After seeing The Ring, I stopped watching scary movies so I haven’t watched a scary movie in fifteen years.

Java Joel, WAKS: The Exorcist holds up… but the bleakest, most horrific movie I’ve ever seen was a 1984 BBC-TV movie called Threads. Google it. It’ll f–k you up!

Jonathan Shuford, WRVW: Lizards and Jon Borris. Scariest movie of all time is a tossup between The Exorcist and The Shining, with honorable mention to The Ring and Mothman Prophecies.

Kobe, WWHT: Our current president is as scary as they come! We’re actually living in a real-life horror movie right now titled U.S.A. 2016-2020.

Randy Hawke, WJJO: The scariest people on earth to me are people that believe their own thoughts are so righteous that it should be illegal for anyone to think differently. Scariest move, Brad Pitt and Seven. That one has always bothered me.

Todd Lyons, KATS: The Exorcist. Period. Verse. Chapter.


Mase, CD1025: Tornadoes because of The Wizard Of Oz.

Next Week’s Question Of The Week:
What are some traditional or non-traditional ways you keep morale high within your staff?
e-Mail your responses to: jodorisio@fmqb.com or bburke@fmqb.com